Prayer After Confession: Heavenly Father, I thank You from the depths of my heart and with all the strength of my soul for Your grace, mercies, and blessings You have given unto me. I prostrate myself at Your Holy feet, dedicating myself only for Your holy use. I bind myself to Your will and Nothing on earth or in the heavens will detach me from Your will! I resign and renounce all the sins and abominations of my past against You. Every promise I made during Baptism I renew them, and from henceforth, I eternally surrender myself to Your service, purpose and love. Help me to despise sin even more than I despise death. Guide my path towards the right direction and help me to always find myself around the right friends and companies. I know on my own I may not be able to do all this, but with You, I can do all things; give me the grace to fulfil all that I have resolved today, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!
10 Prayers After Making a Confession
Whether you recite the prayer that contains the Act of Contrition after confession or not, below are some powerful prayers to say after your confession. They will help you strengthen your relationship and bond with God.
I Need Your Grace To Sin No More
O Precious Father, I’m genuinely sorry for offending You, I come to realize all my mistakes and detest all my iniquities. I know You are not always happy whenever I go against Your word and that is the reason I have decided to turn from all my evil ways. By the help of Your grace, I strongly resolve to avoid every occasion that may lead me to sin against You.
Grant Me The Power To Avoid Sin
My Lord, I am so sorry for all my transgressions. I know that my decision to do the wrong things and avoid doing the right things was not a good one, I, therefore, plead for Your mercy. I have decided to love You above every other thing, and I pray that You grant me Your strength to avoid everything that will lead me back to sin. Thank You my King for your steadfast love and mercies, through Jesus Christ Our Savior. Amen.
Instill Your Fear in Me Oh Lord
Heavenly Father, I come before You with a grateful heart for Your abundant mercies and faithfulness towards me. I also pray that You instil Your fear in me and help me not to go back to my sins. Help me to walk in Your fear and to also engage in anything that brings glory to Your name. Thank You merciful Father for instilling Your fear in me and helping me to love You more than everything in this world, Amen.
Help Me Not To Fall Back Into Sin
Lord God Almighty (El Shaddai), I have confessed all my sin before You to the best of my knowledge. I sincerely made my confessions and I’m sure that You’ve forgiven me. Merciful Father, I thank You for Your merciful heart full of compassion and love for a poor sinner like me. I love and adore You dear Lord; because You’ve been so good to me. Loving Father, I pray that You help me to never go back to sin again; and also help me to love You more with each passing day. Help me to completely trust in You and to also keep all the promises I have made today, through Jesus Christ my Saviour. Amen!
Consecrate Me For Your Devine Use
What bigger thanksgiving can I offer to You than to pour out my heart to You? If You, my King was to demand payment for all Your loving kindness and mercies, I definitely will not be able to pay for them, this is why I have decided to offer my soul and body to You; Consecrate Me For Your Devine Use. I will follow You anywhere You lead me; and I promise to share the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever I step my foot. Thank You, Lord, for consecrating me and also accepting me into the end-time army of Jesus Christ.
Oh Lord, Receive My Confessions
O most gracious and loving God, You are the only hope for the redemption of my soul. I pray that You grant my soul true contrition, and receive my sincere confession. Thank You most merciful Father for receiving my confessions and showing me Your everlasting mercy.
Thank You For Forgiving Me
O God, My Father, Thank You for rescuing me from the shadows of sin. Your strong hands delivered me from the strong grip of sin. Thank You most gracious and loving Father for receiving my confession and showing me Your mercies more than I deserve.
Make My Body Your Temple
Heavenly Father, I have confessed all my sins unto Thee, and I know that You have forgiven me all my transgressions. My Precious King, I surrender my body unto You, make it your holy temple, make it Your abode. I pray that You cast out anything that does not glorify You in my body. From today, I withhold nothing from You my Lord, I surrender everything that I have to You, be in control.
I am not concerned about what anyone says about my body, what is most important to me is that You live inside of it and not comment from people. I pray that from henceforth, let everyone that I come in contact with see Jesus in me and let the power of His resurrection be made manifest in me. Use my body to Your glory, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Let The Desire To Serve You Burn In Me
Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me out from the dark side unto Your light. Lord, thank You for creating me in Your image, I want to manifest Your nature in everything that I do and in every way that brings honour to Your name. Teach me how to treat my body as Your temple, also teach me how to continually make the right decisions. I pray through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Keep Me On The Right Path Always – Prayer After Confession
Lord, Your Word made me understand that I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. This has given me certain rights. I thank You for all these and I receive them all in Jesus’ Name. I receive and accept the gift of righteousness as a new creation in Christ Jesus, and I also accept every good gift that is included in the package: Peace, prosperity, health, abundant life, and joy. Father, take away every weight and sin that makes me easily trip and fall short of Your glory. Let my eyes be continually fixed no Jesus Christ, the Author & Finisher of our faith.
Lord, I thank You for showing me Your everlasting mercies and purging me away from all of my inquiries which I confessed to You. I joyfully receive Your forgiveness, and I pray that You help me to never go back to them again. I now bear the breastplate of righteousness; thus, from henceforth let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
My God has defeated death as well as the power of sin over my life. I am no longer a slave to sin but I now serve the God of all gods. I’m now adopted into the family of champions, I’m more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ the son of the Living God.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You keep me always on the right path, and From now on, I resolve to consciously walk in right-standing with You, my King. Thank You for answering all my petitions, I know with man it’s impossible, but with God, I can do all things through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!
Prayer Before Confession
Heavenly Father, help me to properly Confess all my sins,
Let my eyes be opened to see all my sins,
Let my heart be remorseful for them,
Grant me the strength to never go back to my sins again.
Be merciful unto me, O Lord, forgive me all my trespasses.
Holy Mary mother of God, please pray for me.
I confess to God almighty,
and to you, my sisters and brothers
that I have sinned in my way of thought, words, and deed;
in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do;
I ask the blessed virgin Mary,
all the saints and angels,
and you, my sisters and brothers,
to pray for me to the Almighty God to have mercy on me.
Act of Contrition (Prayer)
Heavenly Father, I am so sorry for offending You,
and I despise all my sinful ways because I’m afraid
I don’t want to miss Heaven and suffer in hell,
I am sorry for offending You, my King, who has been nice to me and deserving of all my love.
I’ve strongly resolved in my heart with the help of Your grace to amend my ways.
Give me the strength to sin no more. Amen.
Prayer After Confession
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for helping me Confess all my sins,
I also thank you for washing away all my sins.
Merciful Father, help me to never offend you anymore.
Holy Mary mother of God pray to Jesus Christ for me.
10 Thanksgiving Prayer After Confession
1. Merciful Father, I thank You from the depth of my heart for taking away all my sins. I pray that the Holy Spirit direct my path so that my soul can bear your fruit which consists of peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, trustfulness, self-control, and gentleness. Help me to be among your faithful servants and friends, grant me that peace of mind and joy that only comes from doing your will. Thanks for answering my prayers through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
2. Precious Father, I bless Your holy name and I thank you for your mercy and goodness. You showed me Your compassion, In my folly, I wandered very far away from Your presence and went contrary to Your ordinances. Nevertheless, You received me back into Your fold not minding all my lapses and my shortcomings. I am privileged and happy to be a beneficiary of Your fatherly love. Blessed be Your name O Lord, my God, for your infinite mercy and loving-kindness! Never will I grieve you again by my ingratitude and disobedience to your will. I consecrate my body and soul only for Your use.
3. “Thank You, Precious King, for your power at work in my life, thank you for your everlasting mercies, kindness, and goodness over me. Thank you for forgiving me of all my sins and bringing hope into my life even in my toughest times. I appreciate Your care, Your great love, grace and mercy upon my life. Thank you for always being there for me even when I don’t deserve it. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving your life on the cross of Calvary for my redemption and freedom. Have mercy on me for all the times I didn’t thank You enough, for everything You’ve done and still doing for me. Help me to set my eyes and heart on You afresh. Please renew my spirit, and fill me with your joy and peace. I love You and I need You, today as well as every other day. I praise and thank You because You alone is worthy! Through Jesus Christ’ Name, Amen.”
4. Most Holy One, how can I ever thank You enough for all Your mercies and loving kindness towards me? You endured pains, sorrows, shame, and grief all for the redemption of my soul. Help me to always remember the reason You gave Your life. Lord, help me to always be on the right path, Thank You for always being such a great friend.
5. “Oh Lord, with a humble heart I thank You for forgiving me all my transgression and making me one of Your own. I pray that You extend Your mercy, love, and blessings to those sinners out there who are still lost and need Your salvation. Thank You for your salvation that has come to stay in my life, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
10 Other Prayer After Confession
1. Blessed be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Thank You for taking all my sins away, and loving me just as I am. I pray that You send the holy spirit to direct me in all my ways so that I may not sin against You, my king.
2. Father I bless Your name because You are good and Your mercies endureth forever over my life. Thank You for delivering me from the shackles of sin, let Your presence never depart from me so that I may not wander away from Your presence. Order my steps in your word in the name of Jesus.
3. Lord Jesus, I am so happy because You have decided to show me Your mercy and wash me with Your precious blood despite all the unrighteous things I have done. I just want to say Thank You very much. I pray that You direct me and consecrate me for Your holy use in the name of Jesus. Amen.
4. Lord I thank You for forgiving me all my sins and restoring the Holy Spirit by Your mercies. I cast out every stubborn and evil spirit from my life that would want to make me go back to my past life. I receive power and grace to overcome any temptation and stand firm in righteousness, in Jesus name. Amen.
5. Oh Lord my father, thank You for speaking Your mercy into my life and also restoring the joy of my salvation. Heavenly Father, I pray that You renew the right spirit within me so that I can be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
6. Lord Jesus, just as You forgave the sinful woman, as well as Peter after he denied You, I know You have also forgiven me. I pray that You renew Your love in my heart, please help me to live a righteous life that will only please God. From henceforth, I will proclaim Your love and righteousness to everyone around me, in Jesus name. Amen.
7. Remember Your mercy and compassion which You showed long ago o Lord. Please, do not remember the failures and sins of my past. Remember me in Your mercy, because of Your loving kindness.
8. Lord Jesus, I have sinned against You and I’m not worthy enough to be called Your own. But please, be merciful unto me. Just as the prodigal son, I return back to You and I pray just like the repentant thief, that You remember me in Your kingdom. Holy Spirit Devine, I call unto You with trust “Purge my heart, and help me to become a better child of God.”
9. Merciful Father, I acknowledge my sins and I know my sins are always before me; but I pray in Your love, have mercy upon my soul and wash me from my guilt. I believe that You love me, help me be a better person, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
10. Dear Lord Jesus, You are the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. I pray that through Your grace that You restore my friendship with God The Father. Lord Jesus, by Your bloodshed on the cross of calvary, cleanse me from every single stain of sin in my life. Give me a heart like Yours and renew my life to the glory of Your name. Amen.
NOTE: If you have said the prayers above, then you have completely been reconciled unto God – Free from the bondage of sin. Congratulation, you are now a new man (person) in Christ Jesus – Sin no longer has any power over you.