Prayer For Finding Lost Things (15 Prayers to Find Missing Items)

Are you tired of searching for your lost item? Don’t worry we have a list of prayers for finding lost things. The Holy Bible (Matthew 7:7, NIV) made us understand that whatever we want, we should “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” And, although some people may not believe this, yet we receive a lot of testimonies and proof that prayer works.

The interesting part is that these answered prayers are not unique to a particular religion or a particular prayer. Although most people will debate this subject from a total cynicism down to a blind belief in a single prayer, nevertheless, that’s not what we are here for.

Below are some of the effective Prayers for finding lost things.

Archangels and Saints – Christendom

Saint Anthony of Padua

Although the feast day for celebrating St. Anthony is 13th June, we are allowed to ask for his assistance anytime we need it.

St Anthony of Padua is described as one of the most popular saints in the Catholic Church’s history, according to Wikipedia. He’s widely known as the patron saint for stolen and lost items. Below are St Anthony’s powerful prayers:

  • “Dear Saint Anthony, I am pleading that you come and help me find [name of lost item].”
  • O St Anthony, please help me search and find my lost (item name). Shine your light into my heart as we search together. Thanks for being such a friend. Amen.
  • Saint Anthony, a perfect follower of Jesus, who has received from God the unique gift of restoring lost items; please help me to find my [Name of lost item]. I trust and believe you’ll lead me to the exact place to find it. Thank you for helping me restore my [Name of lost item].
  • “St. Anthony, great imitator of Jesus Christ, who received from God the power to restore stolen or lost things, help me find [Name of lost item]. Restore my tranquillity and peace of mind, because the lack of them has afflicted me worse than the loss of material things. Also, helps me to never lose God in my quest for other material things. Amen.”
  • Oh, blessed Saint Anthony, God’s grace has made you an advocate and patron for the restoration of lost or stolen items. I turn to you with great confidence because I know you will help me find my [Name of lost item]. You have helped a lot of people find their lost materials; as well as hope, faith, and more; I know my case will not be different. I believe through you, God will help me restore my [Name of lost or stolen item] in no time.

Chamuel The Archangel

Chamuel is one of the seven Archangels of God. Chamel is also known as ‘he who sees God’. According to Beliefnet, Archangel Chamuel helps people find lost items, as well as a new job, your purpose in life, a love relationship, and solutions to problems.

Below Are Archangel Chamuel’s Prayers:

  • “Dear Archangel Chamuel, I pray that you please help me find [Name of stolen or lost item]”.
  • Dear Archangel Chamel, please guide me to the right part where my missing (Name Of Missing Item) is; and if it’s stolen, let there be great unrest in the heart of the thief until my (Name Of Missing Item) is returned back to me.
  • Archangel Chamuel, I thank God for making you a powerful channel for helping me find my missing items. Please direct my path to the right place where I will find my missing [Name Of Missing Item].
  • Dear Archangel Chamuel, I really need your assistance. I misplaced my [Name of Missing Item]; I plead that you quicken my mind so I can remember where I kept it. Thank you for always coming through for me.

God The Father

In Christianity and other monotheistic religions, God is considered the ruler and creator of the universe as well as the source of all moral authority; the sovereign and superior being.

While there are various definitions of God, according to Wikipedia, God is a supernatural being considered sacred.

Below Are Prayers To God:

  • Heavenly Father, my heart is filled with so much confusion concerning my missing [Name Of Missing Item]. I really need Your help. I pray that You direct me in the right direction where I will find my missing item. Thank You for answering my prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen.
  • Lord, I am filled with so many worries because I’ve not been able to find my [Name of missing item]. I pray that You equip my spirit through the help of the holy spirit and lead me in the right direction where I’ll find my missing item.
  • Oh Lord, enlighten and direct my spirit towards my [Name of missing item]. I pray that You reconnect me together with my [Name of missing object], in Jesus name. Amen.
  • Heavenly Father, help me not to depend on my own understanding but let Your wisdom guide my path. Direct my every action, as well as my steps until I find my [Name of missing item]. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Islam – Dua

The word ‘Dua’ simply means ‘Supplication’ (a humble prayer) in Arabic. It also connotes invocation, summons, petition, or calling on a spirit or deity.

Muslims perform the Dua only to the Supreme Being, Allah, in other words, God. They often recite the prayers in the exact same way it was passed down to them through the prophet Muhammed.

Here are a few prayers translated:

  • “O Allah, the gatherer of mankind on the day in which there is no doubt. Join me and my lost item.” Source
  • “O Allah, the One who returns the lost, by Your power and awe return what I have lost, for surely I have received it as Your gift and favor.” -Archives of Al-Hisnul Hasin

Scriptures From The Bible About Finding Lost Items

  • “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Matthew 7:7, ASV)
  • “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)
  • When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost!’ (Luke 15:9)
  • You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. [Jeremiah 29:13 NIV]

Do You Think That Prayers Can Help You Find a Missing Item?

There are various opinions on this subject although you find lots of individuals in various forums who are strongly convinced that some prayers when recited can help you find your missing item. Most of them even have first-hand experience.

Are you wondering how this is possible? Even Jesus Christ in His teachings made us understand that “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” [Matthew 21:22 NIV].

If you have faith, I strongly believe that prayers work. I would like to know your opinion about this subject – Feel free to use the comment section.

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